Notification After calling Hezbollah (Lebanon) as terrorist on behalf Persian Gulf cooperation council dated March 5, 2016

Notification of Qom seminary scholars’ community
After calling Hezbollah (Lebanon) as terrorist on behalf Persian Gulf cooperation council dated March 5, 2016

In the name of Allah

Unwise and seditious action of Persian Gulf cooperation council to introduce Lebanon Hezbollah as a terrorist is other action from reactionary and ossified flows and some Arabic countries to support ISIS terrorism and anathema movements. In the clear relation with Zionism and arrogance ,  bloody hands of House of Saud ( Al-e-Saud) and supporters of ISIS are following the projection of their extended crimes against  the oppressed of Yemen , Palestine , Iraq , Syria and Lebanon.

Now, reactionary people  of region  have been disgraced through  the riot and  sedition in Syria , Iraq , Yemen and other resistant centers , this movement won’t  undoubtedly  help their reputation which they have not had ( especially Saudi).the recent victories of resistant center gives glad tidings  of final victory of intellectual  Islam against anathema  and savagery of terrorists protégé  these rulers. Today, Hezbollah is a thorn in Israel’s side and the hope of the oppressed of Lebanon and Palestine.  Epics of Hezbollah have proved that Israel is the house of spider, even it is so weak that it cannot imagine it’s survive.  Political, military and advertising attacks against Hezbollah will never lower resistant flag, and “the party of Allah, they are the victorious” (5:56) is the divine promise for resistance of brave militants fighting with Israel. Islamic and Arabic countries are expected to be the supporter of a flow attending to dignity and power of Muslims and revealing flimsy and weakness of Zionism and to help resistant party along with their nations and not to act in way that satisfies and pleases arrogance.

Government  , nation and jurisprudents of Sunny , Shiite , Christian and Druze  in Lebanon  having been supporter of  their children in Hezbollah  must show again that support of Hezbollah is the support of dignity , security and peace od Lebanon and  strongly respond  this insulting action of some countries.   Along with condemning  the action of Persian gulf cooperation council  and bloodshed  and seditions  in the region , Qom seminary scholars’ community  supports heroic Hezbollah ,especially the lord of militants ,Seyyed Hassan Nasrollah ,  and it hopes  dignity and honor of resistant militants.

Mohammad Yazdi,
Chief of the great council of Qom seminary scholars’ community


**بیان حول تصنیف حزب الله کمنظمه إرهابیه من قبل مجلس التعاون الخلیجی


**اطلاعیه در پی تروریست خواندن حزب الله لبنان از سوی شورای همکاری خلیج فارس


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